Whitley Workstation used in Clostridium difficile study

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Whitley Workstation used in Clostridium difficile study

The Whitley A35 Workstation has recently been used by a group at Monash University in a study relating to toxins affected by Clostridium difficile.

This very interesting research paper, entitled “CdtR Regulates TcdA and TcdB Production in Clostridium difficile“, was written by researchers at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. The results from the study “establish CdtR as an important virulence regulator in two clinically important, epidemic strains of C. difficile, and further highlights the need to investigate regulatory mechanisms of important virulence factors in diverse strain backgrounds.”  The paper proves for the first time that “TcdA and TcdB production is linked to the production of CDT by a common regulatory mechanism”.

Click here to read the full paper


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